My passion is to create and to explore us how we truly are.


Some images are symbols, others are illustrations or ‘what the hell’. We are thrilled to or dislike photographs because of our human nature or emotional and psychological baggage regardless of any age or nature.

Many artists, marketeers or even songwriters are fully aware of this process, using the concept of contradictions or opposite elements in their products. The creations seldom bear ‘the truth’ but indicate what lies in between. Take a look at this image. For instance, at least eight opposite elements are present. The photograph attracted me, perhaps because of these contradictions. I decided not to throw this photograph away into the bin. A thought will disappear soundless and meaningless into a binary and cold universe.

Enantiodromia was brought back to our attention by Carl Gustav Jung. However, its roots could be found in ancient times. You might experience this principle in many lyrics, mythology or studies. This feature is embedded into our human nature, a true archetype of our inner self.


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